Are you Beethoven or Mozart?

"Beethoven music is life itself" Albert Einstein

I have to say I am more Beethoven than Mozart.  I turn pain and suffering into beauty and find beauty in pain and suffering :-)

Much different than R&R preferences. The actual artists are performing their compositions, which makes all the difference.

Classical, it’s all in the intrepetation thru the conductor/orchestra.

There’s a dull 5th or Tocatta and Fugue, and there "take your breath away" versions.

I do believe one must remember papa Haydn influenced both of them.
Beethoven by some margin for me. Especially his piano sonatas and piano trios. On occasions his symphonies. I lean to the odd numbered ones, especially 5 and 7. 

Almarg, pain and suffering in Beethoven? I must have missed it, but then I've been conditioned by Mahler. :-)
@newbee My comment about pain and suffering was of course in reference to what was said in the OP, which in turn had been concluded with a smiley :-)  

Best regards,
-- Al

Mozart.  I concur completely with Nicolas Slonimsky who, in his biographical dictionary of musicians, describes Mozart as the "supreme genius of music whose works in every genre are unsurpassed in lyric beauty, rhythmic variety, and effortless melodic invention."