The biggest problem is not overall music quality (style preference) nor is it the mastering per se. The BIGGEST problem with current music is it is too "perfect". Every bit of human feel, nuance, etc has been removed via various devices that "correct" for slight pitch variations, time variations (feel if you will) etc. in the pursuit of "perfection". This is one of the primary reasons modern, digital, music sounds the way it does. In terms of mastering, there is a fairly lackluster approach to mastering to have digital music sound ok through a set of 100.00 headphones connected via bluetooth. This is where the $$ is, not us "audiophile" whack-a-doodles. To that, the public that music is primarily marketed to purchases one or two songs, MIGHT listen to the entire song (probably not) and push "next" on the phone. Basically, that's it. Of course, there are exceptions, and there are plenty of artists out there that actually care about the final production of their craft, but most fall into the "this is how we do it here" situation. There is a reason that there is the "Nashville" sound, the "L.A." sound etc.. Artists are pigeonholed into whatever the producer wants... simple really, and we get the garbage that comes from that.