SEAS vs SB Acoustics

Have been busy at reaserch all night ona 2nd speaker system , one that has a slight more sensitivty vs my SEAS Thors rated at a miserable 87db. In order to acheive world class A sound, there is a trade off, SET amps won’t drive these soeakers,,so off on a search for a 2nd speaker system,,but one that
1) would not BK me
2) has higher sen than 90
3) offers at least as good Class A sound as the thors,.,,
So I cked all/every listing on Madisound,,and , FOUND IT.
SB, from Denmark.
I will purcahse the 2.5 way.
I will ask Madisound to upgrade the 2 caps to Mundorf Silver Gold Oil,, as they only offer the Mundorf Supremes.
Since each xover only has 2 caps = afforadble for the higher M cap.
+ will request they swap the low bass driver a 7.5 inch, for a 9.5 Satori. Its onlya few bucks more, but with the 9 inch, i may skip using a sub.
anyway,, my hunch told my, the SB satori will not only equal the SEAS Excel, but most likely surpass.
And from further research my hunch seems pretty solid.
As I told you guys i am a SEASman for life. So this discovery of SB acoustics, really came as a huge surprise.
I am very surprised none of you guys have mentioned SB on this site, what exactly are we all after here in speakers?
A big brand name, with a huge price tag, loaded with hype?
Like the Wilson Puppies, a most horrific distorted/controrted noise box, , only worst than all B&W’s polluted, poop smelling sound speakers.
Yet look at sale, SB/SEAS hardly places 3,4 in speaker sales.
You guys have been duped past 20 yrs, Time fora Revelation.
If you want to bring Scan Speak into the world Class A speakers, go ahead. I have not heard Scans.
IMHO, SB has surpassed SEAS in true HIFI reproduction.
Its onlya guess, and may take 8 months before i can place the other for the 2.5 way kit for the SB satori’s.
I havea blog camera arriving Monday, and my Shugaung 12AX7’s from HK, anyday, I will makea vid on my Defy 7, SEAS Thor, cayin 17 with new high tech Discrete Opamps from Andrew at Sparkolabs in Colorado.
+ a whole bunch of other tweaks arriving from HK,, silver speaker wire, copper plugs, speaker posts, RCA posts , all pure copper , etcf etc ETC.
I plan to make a long series of videos comparing all these tweaks,
Unlike the silly vid uploads on YT which offer some drum solos, and light piano, , chinese mandolin and such,,muisc that allows no opportunity to fully hear what is being auditioned.
My vids will explore all types of muisc, allowing each component, tweak to be understood in its true affects.
This way folks can determine for themselves ifa tweak is snakeoil or *the real deal*.
Will keep all posted of my uploads.
Each vid may take 30 minutes as i have to change out wires, opamps, etc etc. Its going to be a challenge, but someone has to do it. We have to bring all things stereo into the 21st C, , and leave hype/snakeoil, , lies, half truths, behind,,We need to expose the scams which have BKed many a audiophile these past 30 years.
Time for a change, Time for Truth.Time for true world Class A sound reproduction.

So you’ve built 1 pair of speakers and have never used (or heard?) a speaker using sb acoustics, yet sb acoustics is better than seas?   Pretty bold statement considering you have zero experience with SB acoustics.

“We have been duped”...?  Kenjit, is this you with spell check turned off? 
SB is a Malaysian company.  Revel uses SB drivers in the Performa line and I assume the Concerta though I am not 100% sure on this.  Excellent quality drivers and Far East production makes them a good value.  
Once you put a speaker in a box, you are going to lose efficiency.  The SBs are better than the SEAS excels in terms of efficiency but you aren’t going to get SET efficiency out of them.  I also wouldn’t say SB driver are superior.  At best it is debatable.  
You almost need to look to pro speakers.  Eighteen Sound makes excellent high efficiency drivers and would be a good choice.  You can get efficiencies in the mid to high 90s and they are very good sounding.  

Information on SB Acoustics company’s country of origin and design here:

From which I quote:

... this Indonesian company with its own dedicated design team in Denmark ...

SB is danish designed and engineered, manufactured by their partner company based in Java.

Revel, or actually Samsung, don’t use SB drivers now, they went in-house.

To OP, you cant just swap out different drivers. The 9.5 Satori also needs a fairly large cab to get the best from it, around 60 litres upwards.

@ willmacc
That rules out my idea of employing the 9.5 for the 7.7 Neo SB Acoustics. 
I am not looking fora  larger size cab. 
The Thor's tower is at my max size/weight.
I am really looking forward to having 2 sets of speakers, will be interesting have 2 world class speakers, Keep in mind the SEAS Excel line is over 20 year old technoloy,= 20 yrs ahead of all/any competitors,,
SB's neo line, not sure when introduced, but both will be near equal, depensd on the cd recording and what each listener wants from a  speaker. 
The thing with these neo large magnets, ones needs clean, pure watts,  For these drivers, class A only. 
That is to say if the amp has anemia, the speakers will not respond, = ~~open up/soundstage/dynamics~~~ all this and more will be curtailed. 
So everyone should keep in mind this requirement before purchasing either lab's speakers. 
Also, I would suggest using Mundorf silver/gold oil caps, or whatever one can afford , make sure has silver in the cap for superior performance of the driver. 
Makes no sense buying a  world class driver and installing $10  tin/paper caps. 
I also suggest requesting Mundorf's R Resist resisitors. 
This way , years down the road, you do not have to upgrade the xovers. 
Spend a  little more, get alot more.