Power Amp To Go With Cary SLP98P Preamp

I just got a Cary SLP98P Preamp and right now I am using a Primaluna Dialogue 5 Power Amp. Thinking about getting a Cary power amp to match the preamp. Right now I am looking at either the solid state 200.2 ES power amp at 200 watts per channel or the Cary CAD 120s mkII tube power amp at 110 watts or 60 watts in triode. Cary has a sale right now and wanted to take advantage. I have Ryan 630 floorstander speakers I am using right now. Also have a pair of Harbeth 3PSRs and Triangle ESW floorstanders I sometimes use. Small room(9 feet by 12 feet)  right now but will be moving to a bigger room later. I am partial to tubes but like the simplicity of the solid state option unless the sound isn't there. Any opinions? Thanks for any help.

Yes. The Dialog 5 does. I prefer it with KT88 tubes over the kt120 tubes. I like the el34s but like a little more power with the Ryan speakers. I have some kt77s I might try as well. The new EVO400 Primaluna has more power and el34 tubes so I might be looking at that too. I som’t Need to change just thought the Cary might work a little better with my Cary SLP98.


Yes, agree about GLKT88s vs. TSKT120s. All circuit dependent of course, yet I’d guess it sounds pretty nice now with KT88s... Why is it you believe you can do better than your PL D5 with KT88s? Also, now wondering how much tube rolling you’ve done so far with your existing preamp and existing amplifier.

I ask only because there may be other areas of tuning (with your existing preamp and and amp gear) before buying another amp. Are you looking for more/less clarity? More or softer punch? Larger or more focused soundstage? More bass or more neutral bass? More or less top end detail? Or, just more power for more loudness?

i.e. After two years with the same preamp setup - I wanted to try some changes in different components to see where differences COULD be realized with in-depth focus using my existing preamp/amps. Kept myself from changing amps again with helpful input and (reminder) advice from good audio friends. I just spent the past 120 days trying different input tubes in my SLP-98 and input tubes in my mono amps, different tubes in the DAC, different coupling caps in DAC, different (loaner) interconnects between streamer to DAC, and different interconnects between source/DAC, different interconnects to Preamp, AND different interconnects to both mono amps. Tunable tone and sound stage in a sense. Same preamp, same amps - sounds notably different. Results: larger and wider sound stage, less harsh yet details coming through, more musical and fun to listen to now. One small step at a time and learning "patience" is challenging and can be very rewarding.

Have you tried really good vintage input and driver tubes in your preamp or amp yet? If not, you are just getting started :)
PL D5 Amp: Tube Compliment: 2 - 12AX7, 2 - 12AU7, 4 - KT88?
CAD SLP-98 Preamp: 4 - 6SN7s?
I like the Dialogue 5 fine. Have some Gold Lion KT77s I have not tried yet. I like the Primaluna KT88s pretty well actually. Just got an itch to get a matching power amp to my new Cary Preamp. 
12-08-2019 5:54pm
I like the Dialogue 5 fine. Have some Gold Lion KT77s I have not tried yet. I like the Primaluna KT88s pretty well actually. Just got an itch to get a matching power amp to my new Cary Preamp.

Ahhh, gotcha!  Know the itch feeling well...maybe that's why I shared I did this too - went and got the nice SA-200.2, almost bought a ".8" version PASS amp, and then missed my tube amps for their unparalleled three dimensional sound. Tried a few stereo tube amps in between. Then transformer drool kicked in.  

Had to buy tube mono block amps to finally be done.  While they are not same vendor matching amps to my keeper SLP-98 preamp, the preamp sure compliments them nicely with some good tube matching.  Enjoy the journey!  :)    
The sa200.2 is appealing the me. Solid state high powered and cooler running. I am afraid I will miss my tube power amp even with the SLP98 preamp. You obviously missed the tube sound. Was there a big difference? The subtly and the air of tubes is hard for me to get rid of. Had a McIntosh 7900 Integrated and could not get rid of it quick enough. This stuff is confusing. I am happy with what I have just thought a Cary thrown into the mix would be great synergy.
...You obviously missed the tube sound. Was there a big difference? The subtly and the air of tubes is hard for me to get rid of...

Yes. I'd used solid state for 35 years.  Thought I could go back to it pairing up my SLP-98.  It was good but I never found myself engaged in the music in the same manner as any of my former upgraded tube amps. 

The only way to know is to try it with your system and speakers.