Why no “Break in” period?

If people say there’s a break in period for everything from Amps to cartridges to cables to basically everything... why is it with new power conditioners that people say they immediately notice “the floor drop away” etc.  Why no break in on that?

I’m not trying to be snarky - I’m genuinely asking.
Time heals all wounds.
People forgive, but they don't forget.  There are times when they don't forgive either.  

Any thread that works in a reference to Uma Thurman is a thread I am going to follow..
Didn't see any.  .
..and 'time heals all wounds', just in time to get or give new ones...:(

..and if Ms. Thurman had any knowledge of the original reference she'd been used in....HO, it'd be "Kill Bill" time...perhaps with a new target....

...and, as for 'accommodation'...I think it's gotten 'broken in' to the level of 'broken' around here....

...and here's your 'troll', to 'accommodate' that...

Carry on...
I don't know about line conditioners. I have A PS Audio power regenerator. I do not think it needs to be "broken in" (whatever that actually means with parts that dont move) because it takes ac power from the wall, converts it to DC, then regenerates a new unclipped sine wave. I think of it as an on/off switch you either have clean new power or you dont. I dont see how a reconstructed sine wave can get broken in. I am a degreed mechanical engineer and I have taken classes in heat, sound, and light. I am very skeptical of things that cannot be measured such as break in. I buy in on the idea of say an engine in a car because it has moving parts that have intimate contact at very high forces. I think it would be foolish to believe nothing would change with time under those circumstances.  I noticed a huge difference after installing the power regenerator, but I had huge line noise prior. The noise I had was like a drum stick hitting a rotating fan blade. You did not need to be an audiophile to hear it, for a while I thought I blew a speaker. The regenerator completely fixed the problem.
Nothing weirder than a bunch of people listening in reverence to a $250,000 system and coming to the same private conclusion that it's crap. Or it's the hotel room. 
+1 prof.

Keeping it classy while subjected to repeated personal attacks, ad-homs, straw-mans, anecdotal fallacies, and any number of other logical fallacies.