Why no “Break in” period?

If people say there’s a break in period for everything from Amps to cartridges to cables to basically everything... why is it with new power conditioners that people say they immediately notice “the floor drop away” etc.  Why no break in on that?

I’m not trying to be snarky - I’m genuinely asking.
After all this nobody has given us a proven reason why a purely electronic device needs to "break in" after the manufacturer’s burn in.

after the manufacturer’s burn in.

"after the manufacturer’s burn in." ????

For what purpose would a manufacture need to "burn in" a piece of electronic equipment, wasting his/her time and money for such a purpose?

Circuitry adjustments yes..... "Burn in", though?? Again for what purpose?

What is meant by "forming" of an electrolytic capacitor?

Politely attacking somebody is still attacking.  It seems like millercarbon has received a lot of that, not that I am agreeing or disagreeing with him.  Hiding under the umbrella of "politeness" is not going to cut it with me.  
some manufacturers do burn-in their components or cables before shipping...I know my Zu speakers will have about 100 hours burn in, and I see longer on their more expensive speakers...
For those who believe that one cannot remember a sound, tell that to someone who's pitch perfect and can tell you instantly what note is playing. 5 in 10K people have that ability. The rest of us come close.

We can remember sounds. Ask any early hominid if he remembers the sound of that big cat who ate his friend last week.

All the best,

Everyone (pretty much) who makes electronics "burns in" their equipment at least a few hours, sometimes even 24 or 48 to eliminate early failures caused by component anomalies and manufacturing defects.

I think they mean reforming. When an electrolytic capacitor sits unused for a long time (many months to years depending on quality), they can develop high leakage current due to aluminum oxide formation on the foil electrodes. That can have bad effects including circuit malfunction or worst case capacitor failure. Reforming is applying the rated voltage with current limiting to remove the oxide. Modern electrolytics can go years before this is a problem. If the manufacturer has good controls, they will use a FIFO system for part usage and should scrap older electrolytic caps.

Andy2, best rule in a forum, attack the content, not the person. It is a simply rule to follow that many don’t seem to understand.

jea483,191 posts12-09-2019 1:52pm
"after the manufacturer’s burn in." ????

For what purpose would a manufacture need to "burn in" a piece of electronic equipment, wasting his/her time and money for such a purpose?

Circuitry adjustments yes..... "Burn in", though?? Again for what purpose?

What is meant by "forming" of an electrolytic capacitor?