I wholeheartedly agree with those above who recommend removing all of your tweaks (as possible), then listening as you reapply each individual tweak. The results may well surprise you.
I surmise from your list of tweaks that your system does not likely include either a turntable or any tubed components, so I will not waste time delving there.
millercarbon’s recommendations are dead-on correct. Ditch the Vibrapods for BDR cones. The same applies to the Vibrapod-Black Ravioli Pad combo. Regular demagmetizing of your system with the XLO disk is a no-brainer; try it on your car’s CD player, too. Applying Static Guard anti-static spray to cables and power cords is quite beneficial (and thank you, millercarbon, as Static Guard is much less costly than Nordost’s product!)
If you spin CDs, then consider Mapleshade’s Microsmooth CD treatment. I have found this able to make lackluster CDs enjoyable and already great sounding CDs fantastic. Also consider applying a marker that dries to true black to both the inner and outer edges of a disk. Music Direct offers one for about 15 US$.
Marigo Audio Labs tuning dots provide great improvement in SQ for low cost. You can find these on Music Direct’s website. Marigo’s tuning products have twice received quite favorable reviews in The Absolute Sound. I have been using them for over 25 years and have yet to be disappointed.
I hope that you find at least some of these recommendations to be beneficial.
Don’t forget that it’s all about the music!