Where should I put a Syn. Orange fuse to try?

Want to try the Orange fuse- where would I hear the greatest improvement to try- Preamp,Dac or Amps- thks
It seemed more noticeable on my amp, but that was the first component I put it in(a red one). Then I put one in my dac and buffer(black ones).  I hope you enjoy it's addition as much as I did.
The OP said ...

  • Where should I put a Syn. Orange fuse to try?

That's singular, not plural. So, if he can afford to completely refuse his system all at once, then sure, put them everywhere.

If he buys them one at a time, then I’d say put it into the preamp because every other component connects to the preamp.


PS: Millercarbon ...
  • " One thing I will say, and really love saying because I know its gonna majorly trigger all the usual pansies ..."
I spewed coffee all over my monitor with that one., *lol*

Seems like a good question to ask the vendor though I suppose their representatives here may suffice. 
Someone forgot to take his smart pill today. I won’t mention any names.