Any tweaks I'm missing?

I have lots of ’tweaks’ added to my system.

Is there anything I’m missing?

A small cupboard, so no power conditioner possible.

A smallish budget, so most probably no Gate to try.

One small request...

Can the negative knobs please refrain from commenting.

I’m not interested in what you think of me, the products you have not tried, or my spending habits.

Only those who have experiences of possible additions, would be much appreciated.

Upgraded over the last year:

Chokes on electrical items with a switched mode power supply
Halide Bridge USB to coaxial reclocker
Akiko Triple AC Power Enhancer
Audio Prism Ground Control spades on speakers
RCA shorting plugs for inputs on my amp.
Akiko Tuning Caps on amp outputs.
Akiko Fuse Box Tuning Chip.
1 x Shumann Resonator Chatres SE + power supply

1 x Schumann Resonator CHARTRES Mk3

Black Ravioli pads for amp, Dac and power supply

Vibrapod isolation cones and feet
Akiko Universal Tuning Sticks on speaker cables.
iFi AC iPurifier.
MCRU Mains Filtration plug
Mad Scientist Nitro Nano power cables.
’LOA audio tweak’ chip.
Signal Ground solutions SGS-1 Groundng Box.
3 x Bybee iQSE - one on power board.
High Fidelity Cables MC-0.5
XLR Noise Stopper Caps.
Russ Andrews ’The Silencer.’
Audioquest Jitterbug.
iFi USB Silencer.
SR Orange fuses

PPT Omega + EMat to trial

Mad Scientist Graphene Contact Enhancer to apply
Mad Scientist Donuts coming.


Make yourself really happy and just buy more music. I could say more but the post would be deleted.
Trepanation (I had to look it up)

Don’t you guys get it.
It’s a disease the poor sods have, they can’t listen to music anymore, because they are "Tweak Freaks", all they can do is to get off on is the "expectation bias" they get every time they add a tweak to the system, that’s it, there’s no actual music appreciation anymore. And if left untreated it’s a sorry end. RIP
There no abuse here, just sincerity😉

Cheers George
It appears that the only disease in all of these tweaks type of threads is yourself George.
With all due respect while I may personally think Jerrys list of tweaks is more than I would indulge in , surely that is up to him and if he is happy why would you keep gainsaying him especially as he has requested you to leave him and this thread alone.

The only conclusion I can come to here is that you get some sadistic kick out of attempting to ruin perfectly good threads just because they do not fit into your narrow mindset.
Now be a good boy and go chase a dingo or two.......
Dear George

You say what you say, and continue to do so.
The people who believe you, already know what you believe.

I say what I say, and no amount of berating from you as to my experiences or intelligence will change my views.
I hear what I hear, and ask others what they’ve experienced.
Because you have not listened to any of these things, it would be most respectful for you not to comment. 
I like my stickers. They look cool.

I suggest this. Go listen to you music, system, audio buddies.
Enjoy it. We have similar pleasures.
And I won’t criticise your choices.

There is a place for scepticism. However, you are trying to belittle me, my system, my additions. And honestly, I care nothing for your opinions.

It comes down to this...
He aha i te mea nui o te Ao?
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata.

Except for you. It’s your opinions, and shouting the loudest so everyone believes you.

All I can say look at what your doing Jerry, and keep it to yourself.

There's enough BS in this industry without the gullible here being infected. 

Cheers George