Linear Tube Audio

Their website shows two new integrated amps the Z40 and the Ultralinear.  Anyone heard either new integrated amp?

I own the ZOTL40 and ZOTL Preamp. This gear is exceptional sounding. I heard the integrated at CAF and  It’s killer good. Mark and the guys at LTA are great to work with. LTA hasn’t been around that many years but David Berning has been designing and building these ZOTL amps for many years so there is plenty of reviews to read.
“The cost of the integrated amps on a per watt per channel basis is quite expensive”

That quote I have seen before in reviews...whether written or on Youtube vids regarding this brand
Yes the price per watt is fairly high but I will say not only do these amps always sound great when I hear them matched with appropriate speakers but they also have a clearly unique design compared to most tube amps as I recall and that definitely helps to differentiate them from the competition. .