Best integrated tube amplifier, under $3,000.00. No phono needed. Could be used, too.d

What's the best integrated tube amplifier under 3k, don't need phono.  Used is ok, too.  Thanks!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xanotherbob
+1 on the LM508. The Raven Blackhawk provided excellent sounding vocals and is a good selection at a lower price point for efficient speakers. The LM508 accuracy, soundstaging and fast deep bass sounds wonderful driving Tekton DI’s. I added an ifi iGalvanic 3.0 and virtually eliminated all the hum and pops. Detail recovery and decay is off the charts.

A higher power integrated from Raven would be worth a spin. Dave is a pleasure to deal with.
I have forty years of experince with high fidelity an I love classical and jazz music. After all these years of listening I have only one choice: Prima luna, the best value for money. Enjoy
Anyone hear the F35 from Black Ice Audio, Jolida Company. With how attractive it is it must sound good. 🤪
After being punished with digital amp scratch I’m getting back into a sub 3k tube amp too! How do the new integrated tube amps compare to the old legends like CJ and VAC Avatar? I can’t see spending 3k on something that will inevitably need 1k worth of work and protection from UPS warehouse lawn dart games. Wanting advice soon so I can play some tunes for Mrs. Claus while I unleash the black mamba I have for her.
Right now best bang for the buck the New Jolida Black ice 
it has a nice meter right on top easy biasing which is more accurate then  auto bias which averages , all the heart - the transformers use very good German transformers , and very nice looking in Indiana great pricing, for more money Ayon 
better then Prima Luna any day of the week. I have owned both 
Ayon is high quality built in Austria ,not  China and a Tube USA  gives very. Good deals on them.prima Luna pricing has gone up 
a lot since upscale Audio has been putting ads up for years ,
land in part reviews are political for sure.i owned a Audiostore 
and have many sad stories of very good companies going belly up 
because they could not afford say $50k for advertising ,which 
would give them ratings and good exposure. Keep that in mind 
look. For reviews from around the globe and forums to see how 
good build quality is customer service ,as well as longevity.
roughly only 25% actually goes into the product that is why many times like myself I mod them ,or have them upgraded with premium parts , upscale audio brags about Solen capacitors which in reality are low average at a Best !! A 6 rating out of 15 on top grading capacitor scale .i hold  mfg accountable , most use brass connectors which suck vs gold over copper sonicly as well as conductivity keep that in mind .a very noticable upgrade in sonics ,look at your IEC power cord input no name $2 sink brass crap, when for a less  then $15 wholesale you can install a gold over Copper Furutech  5x less. Resistance to start which is a Hufe bottle neck and robs low level detail. This shows they don’t care 
these little things should Allways be included most people would gladly pay the extra $1-200 for Gold Copper IEC,st least 1 pair rca,
loudspeaker s and amp terminals same thing for $150 night and day better I put the WBT. In myself ,it’s about time companies 
start stepping up !! Thatis how a Modwright got his start by providing top quality parts in key areas , in loudspeakers 90% 
are substandard Xover parts .i have 20+ years of experience ,even in $$ name brands ? I  have called and emails several , a few have listened, others don’t care.