Phonostage/preamp recommendations. Parasound JC3 Jr.?

Hello all. After searching for hours and not quite understanding if I’m processing the information right, I figured I would sign up ask the question directly with my specific information. Obviously new to home audio so please go easy. I bought a "new to me" Sota Sapphire with a Sumiko Premier FT-3 tonearm and Dynavector DV-10X5 cart. I leveled it out and set up the arm. Hooked it up to my Denon DRA-800H receiver (which says it has a phono input) paired up with Polk RTI A3 bookshelves. Everything "works" fine. Highs are clean and crisp. No funky sounds or anything like that so overall success. My issue comes with the overall loudness of the playback (having to almost max the volume at 70 before achieving listenable levels) and the lack of bass and overall dimension in the music. Not having a sub and understanding they are only bookshelves I don’t expect the world of them but I was thinking it should sound better than my bluetooth Bose Soundlink? Being an MC cart the person a bought the turntable from suggested I could benefit from running a dedicated phonostage before the Denon. The Parasound Jr. looks good giving the option to switch from MM to MC and seems to have a good fanbase.  Am I on the right track to a decent starter system? Any recommendations? looking for something I won’t have to upgrade for a while, but not looking to sell my bike either. Please help school me on this rabbit hole I’ve ventured into! Also not opposed to tubes, but I’m sure that’s a whole other world I shouldn’t be exploring quite yet. Thanks in advance.

Recap on what I have:
Sota Sapphire
Sumiko Premier FT-3
Dynavector DV-10X5
Denon DRA-800h
Polk RTI A3
A while back had a JC3+ and was not impressed was actually a bit noisy. Try and audition a Gold Note Ph-10 which is very versatile and can accept either a MC or MM cartridge and 2 tonearms. 
rsf507: Thanks for the response! Just looked up the Ph-10 and have to say it looks very versatile indeed. It also looks fairly user friendly in that everything would be controlled through the front panel and the single knob. Is that correct? Also had no idea that some of my older records may not use RIAA mastering so it's both good that I'm now aware and that and that it has an option for RIAA/Decca/Columbia. Unfortunately the only "audio store" I have know of around me is the big yellow tag store so I don't think I will have any opportunities to audition any hi end equipment. I'm going to be pretty reliant on reviews and others with first hand knowledge for what I end up going with. With something like the Ph-10 or any other preamp device I assume I would hook it into a aux input on my receiver instead of the phono input? Something like this looks like it could also stay put should i decide to upgrade amp and speakers later on down the road as well?
Your receiver is designed to accept a MM phono cartridge and has insufficient gain for a MC cartridge.  You can either get a step up transformer or a stand alone phono pre that has sufficient gain for your cartridge (assuming you want to keep the cartridge).  Search the forums for advice on phono preamps if you wish to go that route.  Just remember that if you get an outboard phono pre you will need to connect it to your receiver using auxiliary inputs and not the phono inputs.  Others may chime in with their recommendations.
@Tommy I believe there are over a dozen reviews on-line on the PH10 look on Positive Feedback they have 3 alone all glowing not that I relied on any reviews myself but they do give you a starting point. Yes into your aux rca's and it should be a keeper as you change receivers or go full in with separate pre and amp or an integrated.
I owned a GoldNote PH-10 for quite awhile.  Excellent unit, top notch...until I tried the JC3 Junior.

The Junior had an absolute black background, (NO noise at all) and the music just exploded from it.  Dynamic with a finesse that's hard to beat.  I have a lot of different tables and carts and tried quite a few.  

Needless to say, I sold the PH-10 and kept the Junior.  Couldn't be happier.

IMHO, both are excellent units.