Integrated under $2000 for Focal Aria 926s

I'm looking for a used integrated amplifier to pair with my Focal Aria 926s. I've heard some newer pieces, some SS and some tube, that I've liked, but nothing in my price range. I see some Rogue Audios, Hegels, and a Classe that seem to get great reviews generally, but I'm not sure what would be the best match to my speakers. I'm open to suggestions. Closer to 1000 would be best, but I could go up to 2000 for a great piece at a good deal.
Hi, Look at a used Camebridge Audio Azur 851N or 851D or 851C (source/dac)

To work with :

Azur 851A, or 851W (amp/preamp)

I can suggest 851N with 851A. Both components used together should total under 2k.

Very good sound for the money and WILL work well with the 826 Arias.

Look into any used Plinius Integrated amps you can find used. Powerful and tube-like when it comes to musical sound across the spectrum.
You can get the original Parasound Halo integrated  used for less than $1500.00.  160 wpc@8 ohms, 240wpc@4 ohms.  Ability to add a subwoofer, bass and treble controls, remote, decent built in dac if you need it, headphone jack, balanced and single ended inputs and outputs.  Solidly built. A John Curl circuit design.