New Phono cartridge

Good afternoon - I am looking to upgrade my cart. I have a Transrotor ZET 1 with a Jelco 800s tonearm built for Transrotor. I use a Gold Note PH-10 phonostage. Current cart. is the entry level Hana LOMC. Thanks for any guidance that you can provide!
Ag insider logo xs@2xbrett11
How about upgrading your table with a second motor and PSU? And add a second Jelco 850. Maybe a 12". Then buy a Decca. Like this one. Your GNote supports 2 inputs. You will not regret it.
Noromance, having owned a Decca cartridge, it is a difficult cartridge to recommend. Build quality is spotty, it can be difficult to set up and it is very arm sensitive. You have to really love it to put up with it. I did not personally find it positives out weighted its negatives. There are numerous cartridges available that are a sure bet which is why the Decca is not prevalent.  
Brett, At $2000 the Lyra Delos is hard to beat. The Ortofon Cadenza Black is a little pricier but also a great value. 
Closer to your price would be an Ortofon Bronze as another option.  What is the Hana not providing currently in your system?  This may allow for better focus of the recommendations as each cartridge brings unique attributes.  The Bronze is a little warm, better fleshed in the mids, than the Black which is a little dryer in the mids but has better extension on each end.  I have had both in my system and like each for what it provides.  Setup is critical especially SRA in this line.