Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
Theoretically there should be a difference due to transmission line affect with the floor acting as a dielectric, and if the cables lie on the ground, there is a asymmetric affect - the ground act as a dielectric on the bottom half of the cable, but the top half of the cable only has the air as the dielectric.  By lifting the cable up, things are more symmetric as the cable will "see" the bottom and top the same.  But of course as with anything that has to do with audiophiles, your ears make the final judgement, theories not withstanding. 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
Not a whit, in my experience.  More illusory audio magic for highly suggestible audiophiles.

If you use cable risers, make sure to try them facing in both directions. The grain in the wood, plastic, Styrofoam coffee cup, and cardboard toilet paper roll interacts with the photons traveling down the cable dielectric, smearing the music. If Pat Boone sounds like he’s had one too many martinis, reverse the risers.

If you don’t use risers and your listening room has carpeted floors, at least groom the carpet fibers to lay in the direction the signal is traveling through the interconnects and speaker cables, to minimize the resistance. For the area under your power cords, install Berber carpet. The looped fibers lead to better grounding.

A linear power supply should be used in the Dyson vacuum for grooming the carpet...
people I trust say it matters over carpet, otherwise skip
But having said that, I have a nice chunk of Myrtlewood reserved for just this experiment.... will cut it .....