... How I should set the volume...

Hello to all...

New to me in my system is a vintage Parasound  HCA-750A power amp, which I initially listened to directly using the volume controls on the back. But I am getting ready to experiment with Wi-Fi/ Bluetooth/Spotify, so I've hooked in the cheapo Monoprice 50w tube amp with Bluetooth and Preamp out I was using as an integrated, and am now using it as a preamp/conduit for Wi-Fi...

How should I set the volume on the back of the Parasound: full-on, somewhere in the middle, or virtually off? I'm thinking the full on would be taking a "voice" at full level distortion once it entered the Parasound with whatever distortion is coming in from the Monoprice - correct? With that thought - I should set the back so that my normal (?) listening level at about 10-11o'clock...

Please advise the most correct, distortion-free way to set this up.

Thanks to all...
Initially, I would set the volume on the amp such that I could use the preamp volume over it's middle range for all loudness levels utilized. Might experiment from there. 
Afterthought, the amp volume controls could be used to balance output when speakers are asymmetrically placed. 
Full on removes more of the volume control from the circuit so it will sound better.
That is true noromance, however if one finds oneself using the volume on the pre at low levels then it depends on quality of the signal going through that control at that low setting. What one finds to be best likely depends on the specific pre/amp combination. Hence my recommendation. Having the amps controls full open may well be the best in the OP's situation, particularly if the pre in used above a low level.
I had an earlier Parasound amp I bought new (HCA-1000) with level controls that I always used at full on...also that's what the little "THX" dot indicated was appropriate...great amp, but one of the things that bugs me about Parasound amps are those level controls as it's (to me anyway), for hifi as opposed to pro audio, an unnecessary extra pot. For pro amps I rarely turn those up all the way, just to where they match the mixing board ideal level to keep things less noisy.