Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
Never heard a difference.

As to the horrifying influence of speaker cables touching things:  I moved from a variety of speaker cables when my source components were in the same room as my speakers, to moving my source components to another room.   This required a 35 foot run of 10awg speaker cable, run down along ceiling, under floor, snaking through shag rug to speaker.   No sonic difference detectable at all.  Sounds exactly as detailed, pure...all the nice before.  That's just my own anecdotal evidence, though.

If all this "cables can't go touching things (what's that shielding for again?) stuff were true, the home theater realm would be suffering terribly, since even in the highest-end installs you have cables running through walls etc.  And yet state of the art sound is often achieved this way.  Aside from generally well-known cautions about how to choose and install cables (e.g. you want to avoid many cables running in parallel to power lines etc), this hand-wringing about "I can't let my cables touch things" is mostly reserved for the subjectivist audiophile world, and those selling products to them. 

Of course, if you are in the "if I do X to my system and think I hear a difference it's true" camp, many people will "hear" a difference in virtually any suggested tweak.  So it's up to you what type of "evidence" is sufficient.

Absolutely not. It is just a way of showing off your over priced cables. The best way to deal with speaker wires is put your balanced mono amp right behind the speaker keeping your speaker wire as short as possible then run long balanced cables to the amps. If you want to put them on cable elevators knock yourself out.
Geoffkait go to Wikipedia and read about static electricity. Then look up triboelectric series. But, you are right. Cable elevators can not fix static electricity nor can they fix anything else other than the finances of people selling them. I would never buy anything from a store or web site selling cable elevators or any other patently obvious BS.
Never heard a difference.

>>>No surprise there. You must be the unluckiest guy in the whole world. 
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