Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
Never heard a difference.

>>>No surprise there. You must be the unluckiest guy in the whole world. 
Post removed 
I do not believe it makes a difference. Just expectation bias. 

But my cousin swears by them.

He has tested quite a few different types. He likes those porcelain ceramic insulators. They can be found for a lot less money than the ones made for audio.

Just google ' porcelain ceramic insulators' and you'll see what I am referring to. 
When we at RMAF this year, there was an A/B demo in the Synergistic Research room of having the cable lifters in and then out.  There was an immediate collapse in the soundstage when they were removed.  So the wild card in this demo was that the lifters also included an HFT as part of the lifter.  Was it the lifter or the HFT?

That being said just, prop the cables up for a few days and see if you notice a difference.  When I had ribbon cables I made some wooden lifters that were really cheap, looked nice and were easy to make.  PM me if you want a picture. 
Less time at the keyboard, more time with your eyes and brain .... Read the post I replied to:
geoffkait18,930 posts12-18-2019 10:27am
>>>I wooden be too sure about that. Objects hold static electric charge, some more than others. Human beans 🔜attract🔚 surplus electrons from objects with static charge due to electric potential. Like lightning. That’s kind of the whole point of getting the cables elevated from the carpet. That’s also why it is a good idea to rub CDs and cables and cords down with Bounce anti-static towelettes or use a de-ionizer. A humidifier just makes it harder for static electric charges to build up on objects.