I've got EgglestonWorks Fontaines (dual ported) and was wondering if anyone else with these (or other) speakers have tried? Your results? What material did you use to stuff?
Why would you want too? Are you more capable a designer than the one who designed your loudspeakers? And if you are why didnt you just build your own sealed design in the 1st place?
Changing a ported design to a sealed without understanding design or knowing specs on driver etc shows a miss understanding of loudspeaker design. Sure sound changed and for some thats all that is needed. Improved very unlikely unless design was faulty to begin with.
"Changing a ported design to a sealed without understanding design or knowing specs on driver etc shows a miss understanding of loudspeaker design. "
It's redundant to say not understanding design shows a misunderstanding of design. Not much insight there....
My very limited understanding of speaker design will only get me so far. Plus, good design alone is not guaranteed to float my boat, so I have to trust my ears.
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