My listening (living room) is 16'.5" X 34' with cathedral ceiling. The long dimension includes the dining room & kitchen. Wall to wall carpeting up to the kitchen, two couches, and my listening chair plopped down about 8 feet from the speakers, which are 6 feet into the room, and are toed-in to the listening position.
I use no room treatments, nor do I need any. I consider it to be the best room I've been in for music listening, and I've been here for twenty five years. I had to move my woodstove to a different wall, so my speakers could fire down the long dimension of my room. I'm very grateful for the privilege of having such a fine listening room.
I use no room treatments, nor do I need any. I consider it to be the best room I've been in for music listening, and I've been here for twenty five years. I had to move my woodstove to a different wall, so my speakers could fire down the long dimension of my room. I'm very grateful for the privilege of having such a fine listening room.