Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
While I’ve never really tested the (non-)effect of cable risers I wouldn’t rule out they’re having an effect, whilst quickly saying that if expensive cable risers of some more or less exotic material are promoted as having the biggest, most positive effect I’ll laugh it off as a load of b*llocks, safe for acknowledging mere coincidence. Really, why in the hell is it close to always the most expensive materials (and configurations) that are the most highly touted in the hifi business - with the claim that they’re sonically superior, that is? Go to a jeweller and find out..

(De-)coupling of components has an affect for sure, but it’s assessing what approach has the most desired impact. I have a DAC/preamp on loan these days as a possible item to replace my existing DAC/preamp, and tried it out initially without my Ringmat Domes (made of compressed cork) underneath it. I was later shocked to find out that the biggest difference in sound between the two DAC’s was due to using or not using the Ringmat Domes. Not highly relevant to this thread, perhaps, but still a humbling experience that could be related.
Not highly relevant to this thread, perhaps, but still a humbling experience that could be related.

As a matter of curiosity, would you be humbling if you didn't see any difference?

I suppose it depends on the room, flooring material, cable length, cable covering,  cable weight and perhaps many more variables.  I suppose room humidity also plays a role.  Easy for us to have differing experiences with this lifting tweak. 
@andy2 --

As a matter of curiosity, would you be humbling if you didn’t see any difference?

Not sure I follow what you’re after, but I was merely using an example in a presumably related field to show my willingness to accept an effect of cable risers - easy they may be to ridicule. We’re chasing sonic bliss sometimes throwing thousands of dollars after hardware, only to find out that cheap accessories can have a bigger impact. By that I’m not saying hardware upgrades can’t be justified, only that other areas concerning their optimization can have a significant say as well.

If, hypothesized, I didn’t experience any pronounced difference in sound using the Ringmat domes I probably wouldn’t have posted..