you said, " With all due deference to the OP, he/she started this thread to question a binary comparo between the Orchid and the Amber 3. I apologize if my posts introduced the idea for others to begin recommending their dacs. The OP may or may not want those recommendations. I was just trying to communicate reference points and a baseline for context."
Your posts along with those from grannyring and others are some of the best I've ever read here in a long time.
It's true I am most interest in the two dacs in the original posts and made it limited so the thread didn't get into a "he said, she said," kind of a deal.
This thread is a delight to read and I've read every post at least three time. At the moment, the Amber 3 is at the top of my list followed by the Orchid. I'm sure I'd be happy with the Orchid, or Pagoda, and sometimes wonder if my 67 old ears with mild tinnitus would be able to tell the difference.
Thanks again to all of you for your thoughts!
- Bob
you said, " With all due deference to the OP, he/she started this thread to question a binary comparo between the Orchid and the Amber 3. I apologize if my posts introduced the idea for others to begin recommending their dacs. The OP may or may not want those recommendations. I was just trying to communicate reference points and a baseline for context."
Your posts along with those from grannyring and others are some of the best I've ever read here in a long time.
It's true I am most interest in the two dacs in the original posts and made it limited so the thread didn't get into a "he said, she said," kind of a deal.
This thread is a delight to read and I've read every post at least three time. At the moment, the Amber 3 is at the top of my list followed by the Orchid. I'm sure I'd be happy with the Orchid, or Pagoda, and sometimes wonder if my 67 old ears with mild tinnitus would be able to tell the difference.
Thanks again to all of you for your thoughts!
- Bob