MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?

I’m considering one of these. Please share your thoughts, especially if you’ve heard them. I will be streaming 70% and CD’s 30%

Jazz, R&B and classical in that order are my listening habits.

My room is 20x30 and very nice acoustics.

Current system:
Dali Epicon 8, Luxman 509X, PS Audio NuWave DSD, Cambridge CXC, Shunyata interconnects & Nordost speaker cable

Thank you!!!

you said, " With all due deference to the OP, he/she started this thread to question a binary comparo between the Orchid and the Amber 3. I apologize if my posts introduced the idea for others to begin recommending their dacs. The OP may or may not want those recommendations. I was just trying to communicate reference points and a baseline for context."
Your posts along with those from grannyring and others are some of the best I've ever read here in a long time. 

It's true I am most interest in the two dacs in the original posts and made it limited so the thread didn't get into a "he said, she said," kind of a deal.
This thread is a delight to read and I've read every post at least three time.  At the moment, the Amber 3 is at the top of my list followed by the Orchid.  I'm sure I'd be happy with the Orchid, or Pagoda, and sometimes wonder if my 67 old ears with mild tinnitus would be able to tell the difference. 

Thanks again to all of you for your thoughts!
- Bob
I also have tinnitus and I will say the Orchid is very easy on the ears and I am able to turn it up without setting off my tinnitus.  While the Orchid is not as extended or vibrant as the Golden Atlantic it has musicality in spades and is easy on the ears over long listening sessions.

I expect to receive my Amber 3 by mid-January.  It will be interesting to see how she plays in my room with my gear.  
@jzzmusician and @grannyring  I am so sorry the two of you are having to deal with tinnitus. I must admit i dont even know what it is, only having seen the commercials on tv but i know i dont want it! Its probably inevitable, maybe a symptom of believing we are immortal as youngsters only to discover we arent.

@grannyring I truly hope you like the Amber 3. It shows a great deal of character on your part, a rare trait these days on internet forums, to seek out a product you were pretty sure you wouldn’t prefer only to be open minded enough to give it a spin. Very cool.

I have a feeling the guys at Lampizator are going to be very busy. Fred and the stateside Lampi team work hard, show up to most of the shows and let those in the room pick the music. This Amber 3 performance combined with the crazy pricepoint, I predict, will disrupt the dac playing field materially. Hey, some may listen and prefer something else which is also cool. Horses for courses.
@grannyring you never mentioned what was different between the old Lampizator presentation you recalled and what you heard at the dealer yesterday. I would love to know.
Greetings Bob and All -
Wonderful thread with lots of useful perspectives. I've had my Orchid for a couple of weeks and love it. It sounds a lot better now than it did when it started out and seems to take about 30-45 minutes before it really sounds great. 
Here are some questions to those who own Orchids and have been tweaking them.

1. What tubes have you rolled and what have you ended up preferring?

2. Have you upgraded the stock TDA1541A chip? If so, to what version?

3. What capacitors etc have you replaced?

4. Is anyone using a USB decrapifier like the Schiit Eitr?
5. What USB cable are you using?
Thanks all -