Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
@wyoboy, Good luck with them and let us know if it works. 👍
I don't want to find out I'm crazy. 🤪

All the best,

It’s nice to see folks trying things, that’s what it is all about. The listening part of this hobby is based on variables. A system costing less than $5000.00 with the right tools (understood and used) can easily outperform a $100,000.00 without the right tools and experience.

In fact many of these setups beat up on the expensive ones even after they (overbuilt systems) are tweak. One reason for this is the amount of mass and materials used that actually cause signal blockage instead of signal freedom.

Thus the famous J Gordon Holt quote:
Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled signals yearning to be free!
I’ve  been an audiophile for 30 years and I don’t hear a difference at all.
That said, I still raise them off the floor because I know there is static electricity on the floor. (Especially in the dry winter months)
My OCD is at ease knowing the cables are safe!!!!!

I use a couple of 1” round rubber grommets under them. (Can be found at any hardware store) I drilled a small hole through them and tie wrapped them to the cable so they don’t move. 
I use custom length 6 foot Transparent “Ultra” cables. ($3600.00). 
Don’t listen to anyone,,,,,,,,just listen!!!!!!!! Let your own ears be the judge. Or just do it if you have OCD like me!!!!!