OP here...;-)
Why should I "forget wifi"? I dont get it.
First, I cant, as my stereo is across the room with no ethernet jacks around.
I have found musical satisfaction by streaming Qobuz via Bluesound to my Chord Qutest.
Also "stream" my library of music on my MacBook Pro via AirPlay to the Bluesound to Chord.
Ive been at this hobby for 30 years.
My current set up is working for me. I can A/B the same song on my CDP/Chord and Bluesound/Chord and I cant tell the difference. I'm an amatuer musician and also have a decent rig: Belles amp to Dynaudio Speical 40s with all DH Labs cables.
This thread has confirmed to me that, yes, there are more expensive solutions out there yet not many can even articulate in 2 sentaces WHY they would be superior to Bluesound assuming both solutions use the same DAC.
Stepping off the merry go round...
Why should I "forget wifi"? I dont get it.
First, I cant, as my stereo is across the room with no ethernet jacks around.
I have found musical satisfaction by streaming Qobuz via Bluesound to my Chord Qutest.
Also "stream" my library of music on my MacBook Pro via AirPlay to the Bluesound to Chord.
Ive been at this hobby for 30 years.
My current set up is working for me. I can A/B the same song on my CDP/Chord and Bluesound/Chord and I cant tell the difference. I'm an amatuer musician and also have a decent rig: Belles amp to Dynaudio Speical 40s with all DH Labs cables.
This thread has confirmed to me that, yes, there are more expensive solutions out there yet not many can even articulate in 2 sentaces WHY they would be superior to Bluesound assuming both solutions use the same DAC.
Stepping off the merry go round...