Are "streamers" the new "transports"?

Have been following recent threads on streamers, DACs,etc. and wish to pose a question...

But, first, I would like to limit the discussion to just streamers and NOT DACs.
The analogy to which I seek clarity is the CD transport.

Assuming I have the same DAC (Chord Qutest) in use, will a "better" streamer measurably and audibly improve sound quality. If so, at what price/performance thresholds do you see?

Is it analogous to CD transports "5-10 years ago"?
Meaning, I could use:

1. Cheap Sony CDP ($200)
2. Oppo whatever model ($500)
3. Bel Canto transport ($1500)
4. Metronome or DCS ($5k+)

...and pass the signal to my DAC then to the amp. Now, as it relates to streaming...I could then...:

1. Use Apple TV or Chromecast then optical to DAC ($75)
2. Bluesound via Coax, Opt or USB to DAC ($500)
3. Lumin or Aurender ($2000)
4. Any crazy streamer that is $5K+

Sure, it's system dependent and only noticable if you have the ears and the gear for it.

But, my broader question: Outside if the "cost no object" gear ($5K+), is there a difference in the transmission of the digital signal that then creates SQ improvements via the SAME DAC?

If so, WHY?

I asked the question on this thread, the conclusion from the guy that did upgrade to Lumin was it’s a sideward step rather than huge improvement, I’m sticking with my Node 2i

Maybe most of the cost is software development rather than improvement in sound quality and maintaining the platform?

@highpeakrider2...Exactly my "conclusion", too.

Sure, I would bet there are some sonic improvements. But, at what cost for what incremental improvement...?

As I have stated in other threads, I'm a "92% guy" when it comes to audio.
I respect those who seek that last 5-10%, but it comes at a cost on which I (personally) do not place value.

Maybe I just cant tell the difference...?
Maybe I don't want to...;-)
This thread has confirmed to me that, yes, there are more expensive solutions out there yet not many can even articulate in 2 sentaces. WHY they would be superior to Bluesound assuming both solutions use the same DAC.

I believe I recommended in my prior post to read Darko’s review of the Innuos Zen Mk. 3 where he not only compares it directly to other streamers but also offers possible explanations as to what aspects of its design and build may contribute why the Zen sounds better.  If you haven’t read it you may find it somewhat interesting. 


Yes, I did see that...thanks.
But, perhaps I am mistaken...wasnt that solution @$1299 requiring an ethernet connection?

It looked interesting, but I also dont need a CD ripper and 1 TB of storage.

My existing music collection is all on my MacBook Pro.
Any music added in the future will come from streaming services.

I will never buy another CD the rest of my life.
In fact, I threw out about 500 of them in September.

WiFi appears to work for me.
What is the "value-add" in an ethernet connection?
I guess the value add is more bandwidth and less flaky connections if you have poor Wi-Fi, plus you can spend another fortune on audiophile routers and Ethernet cables or optical networks.