New to audio. Is there a good DAC that can produce layers of sound?

One of the Youtube audio reviews I watch as a beginner in audio system is Darko

He says during the Chord Qutest review that this DAC can produce layers of sound which is great

I kinda understand what he says because from my very first audio setup, which I returned due to awful sound of music this week, I could still feel some layers, maybe 2, from Post Malone’s song Deja Vu. Only, there were 2 clear layer, from 16bit 44.1 kHz signals from Sonos Amp, one very far back near the speaker and one right next to my ear. I thought it was amazing though. The speaker was SVS ultra bookshelf.

Now those are all returned to the seller, and I am looking for something more clear, musical, and awesome. So, the Qutest is one of the DACs I want to try.

But, if there is any DAC you, as a more experience audiophiles, would like to recommend to me for having great sound effect, could you please list some names? with brief description of the sound?

The price range I am looking for is about $1.5K or less. I prefer less. Used items included.

I am on a journey to setup an enjoyable sound system for myself and would like to see what others like.


If you are not using something soft further downstream from a Benchmark DAC1 then you may find it a little fatiguing. I have owned DAC1, DAC2, and DAC3. I would suggest a used DAC2. If you do not need a volume control in your DAC then Benchmark has a brand new DAC3 B for $1700.

I prefer a separate preamp or integrated vs a DAC with volume control (I have owned both types).

For a low cost you can try out the Peachtree Nova 150, 300, or 500 integrateds (includes a DAC) in the $1300 - $4000 price range. I use the Nova 150 in my office and it is rather good for the $1100 used I got it for. Just add speakers and a streamer like a Sonore microRendu (if you stream from a computer) and you have a Low Mass and Low Cost solution.

I can't say enough thanks to everyone who put their comments in this thread. The Internet is full of commercial, pouring in only the commissioned products, so it is hard to find real gems. Maybe the ones I often come across are good enough, but what I wanted was a greater spectrum of choices and I really appreciate you guys for bringing me more options. Opens my eyes to see further. Inspires me as a beginner audiophile. 
A little heard of Dac in North America is Beresford.

I first had the Bushmaster II, which was a step up in EQ for me in 2013.
That now is my work Dac.

Now have the Beresford SEG. Combine that with a Dorado power supply, and it ends up being a pretty good Dac for reasonable money.

Found at

 Had mods done to push it even further.
Check out the Mytek Brooklyn Dac+. If you want one with a streamer, check out Bluesound Node 2i.

The Mytek is a higher quality sound and in your budget, but the Bluesound isn’t far behind and is a fraction of the price.