Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
Not a disbeliever OR a believer.

I like posting this link link now and then when this subject on speaker cable
pops up. Food for thought.

>>>>Roger Russell’s mindset was more prevalent back in the 80s and 90s but I would imagine these days it’s pretty irrelevant and passé. Yes, I know what you’re thinking - “but there’s a lot of guys like Roger right here on these threads.” No offense to you or Roger but too much has happened already to have any wish to put the genie 🧞‍♂️ back in the bottle.
It seems like the believers are having an upper hands at the moment.  The snake oil camp is having a break.  Sort of like the bulls vs. bears on the stock market.

Hey, maybe this thread is good for stock picking.  I need to find a correlation.  So market up if believers in charge, market down if snake oil camp in charge lols.

You guys playing the snake oil/BS cards probably have several audio scams in your systems right now yet you choose to pick on something as simple as risers to spout off about. I chuckle at your lack of understanding the very hobby you have bought your way into.
Not saying to agree or disagree.  But I'll end with this quote as previously.
"Extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence.".  
It's like climate change debate or any politics these days--neither side will change the others' mind--but believers can share while non-believers can only bash--and i have no idea yet which camp i'm in on this !
Not saying to agree or disagree. But I’ll end with this quote as previously.
"Extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence."

>>>>For one thing it’s not really an extraordinary claim. It’s not like say, demagnetizing CDs or all wires are directional. For another thing, the person you say is the author of that quote, Carl Sagan was about to have Ellie Arroway try to travel through a black hole in order to get to Vega in his novel (and later move), Contact 📡 until Kip Thorne pointed out to him that she Ellie would surely die if she tried to enter a black hole. She would be torn into a million bits. Duh! So he decided to use a wormhole instead of a black hole as the faster than light means of travel to Vega. Which, actually, is also a shitty idea. You know, since worm holes are very much theoretical in nature.
Some would say it is more akin to religion. Lacking understanding or knowledge, one will make up an explanation to fill in the gaps. Maybe it is akin to anti-vaxxers (and climate change denial), again, most lacking knowledge, will grab onto anything that appears to support their desired world view.

wyoboy38 posts12-22-2019 1:02pmIt's like climate change debate or any politics these days--neither side will change the others' mind--but believers can share while non-believers can only bash--and i have no idea yet which camp i'm in on this !