Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
See you on the Catskills circuit.
All of those podunk towns will lap it up.
So--Why bother commenting ? You haven't tried it, don't want to try it--don't believe it--how is that helpful to the OP ? Who's handwaving now?
@Wyoboy - I was commenting that with the recordings being the most important determiner of sound quality - by a LONG shot - worrying about "tweaks" is rather pointless, especially given that we all know of many things - oh, I dunno, maybe room acoustics - that do indeed play a huge role in sound.  Maybe those 'joe blow' comments went under your head?
Oh, and please enlighten me on the method by which your whining post about me benefits the OP?
@nonoise, @geoffkait - LOL, as I said, you guys are a hoot. And so easy to incite.
So is it a cloud?  Hey may be it's pre heliocentric universe?  Like watching soccer but you can't see the ball.

Maybe it's true there's an audiophile Darth Vader that created an empire for all the snake oils to thrive.  How else can you explain it?   I am dead serious.

@khughes, Nope, not incited at all. I'd have to consider your comments as provoking or hurtful when they are quite the opposite. I'm just having fun, like you.

All the best,