Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers
Hey @uberwaltz, if your tile is stone, ceramic or a composite of natural mediums, I doubt you'll hear a difference. I'm sure Michael from Tune Land or Geoff would disagree but from what I've read and my limited experience, to wit, synthetic carpets are the worse to lay cables on.

The improvements were immediate and repeatable. There's always a cheap and easy way to determine if you'll benefit from it. Some here have tried foam cups to determine if they can hear a difference. If so, then you can get something a bit more aesthetically pleasing without breaking the bank. 

@ywoboy, the Ikea tea light holders came in just half an hour ago and they offer the same improvement as the Yoplait Oui glass jars but look much better and dig into the carpet better as well. You can invert them as well to see which end holds the cable best. Both ends have that rounded, saw tooth pattern. I have them both ways as no two cables bend and weave alike.

All the best,
I love the sound of my CJ tube amplification ... Never done a "blind test" ...  I swoon over the sound of my "crazy expensive" (to the average joe), cartridge etc. No talk of blind testing, all subjective.
That's quite a surprise, given what I thought was your faith in blind testing.
Whereas I have used the subjectivist paradigm and also pushed myself outside of it to question my own beliefs and perceptions, by trying blind testing, and acknowledging the technical arguments against some of the claims made ...
Prof, here you state that you have engaged in blind testing.
Dunno, but I use those white ceramic dishes made for corn on the cob cuz they are inexpensive and shaped just right for holding cables.
Thanks Nonoise.

Yes it is ceramic tile all through.
There is a large rug in the center that the Maggie's hug the back edge of but ALL cables are on the tiles except maybe 6 inch of speaker cable as it meets the Maggie's.
Possibly one riser right there for each speaker?
And as that is directly behind each speaker they could be as ugly as sin as nobody will see them.
Cheap enough to test for sure.

Do you have a link for those Ikea tea light holders?
I was gone for three minutes and pages and pages of prof musing.  I don't know.  Is it musing or just ranting ... hmmm ...