Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?

My cables are laying on the floor (in a mess), would raising them off the floor really make much of a difference? The problem is they are quite wide and too long so any suggested props are appreciated!  Cheers

"The only thing that is obvious is that this is a claim with no merit or factual basis." very strange statement

Actually what I do is all documented and has been since 1989 in High End Audio and back to 1975 in the pro-audio world.

Sometimes you guys get too caught up in your own spins and fail to see that professionals have been on top of the research all along. This is why not many of us (professionals) care to hang around these types of forums for extended periods at a time.

michael green

andy, your dedication to following my posts, and the amount of time you spend commentating on them,  has me blushing!

When my forum essays are finally collected in to book form, you'll be first on my Christmas list!   (Maybe you could even write the forward for the book!).

Cheers :-)
Might work, might not. Only way to know is to try. I did ,and it made no difference.

i spray my cables down with anti static spray ever couple days, and that makes for cleaner sounding music. And it likely does about the same thing as raising cables is supposed to do. 

I also so shut off my power conditioner when i’m not using it, and reboot my modem every couple of days (my system is server-based), and run a demag track every two days. Same general purpose. Music just sounds smoother, more lifelike, less grainy, more open. Like cable lifting is supposed to do. 

Everything you you try is going to be system and room dependent. Even when something makes a difference, it might well not be a good difference. And even good differences are almost certainly going to be incremental" there are no magic bullets out there. 
... it keeps going ...

If I didn't see the tree fall ... does it exist?  If I can't hear ...  hear no evil, see no evil.