Preamp Output Capacitor: Mundorf Supreme vs. Supreme Silver Oil

Anyone compared the bass response of these two caps?  I bought the Supremes for trial purposes and really loved what they did to my system's imaging (front to back layering) and immediately bought the Silver Gold Oil Supremes.  Unfortunately while they were smoother, more beautiful, and even better at imaging, they had no bass (actually, they lost bass as they broke in).  Anyone know how the Silver Oil's fit into the line?  

I'm using them in a Don Sach's DS2 Preamp (  

@wig Finally checked out your system. Wish I could hear it, always wanted to hear those speakers. Hope the Duelunds work out... very curious to hear how you feel about the comparison.
they're more tonally similar than different (whereas V-Cap TFTFs and Mundorfs will definitely both shift the tone in different directions).  
We've used the V-Caps a lot and never run into anything like that FWIW.
@atmasphere I’ve seen a ton of people love them, but they just didn’t work in my system .  The ds pre has two outputs and so it was super easy to switch back and forth between the Mundorfs and vcaps. In my pre, with a pretty large cap (2uf) right on the output, going to the vcaps was like turning on a fluoresce light.

Decided to go with V-Caps ODAM; many users says it beats the Deulund Cast head-on and much cheaper. Will give them a week on my cable cooker before adding to component and another week to settle in.

Can't wait to hear the differences Caps can make, word on the street is that it can elevate your component SQ 2-3X :)

@wig Interesting. Looking forward to the report...

& @atmasphere I also have absolutely no doubt that the vcap's sound amazing in your pre's. Would absolutely love to hear one.