Hi Elliot, You are making life difficult. The Japanese mostly design their arms around stiff moving coil cartridges. My guess is the arm has an effective mass somewhere between 15 and 20 grams which is too heavy for many moving magnet cartridges like the Ortofon 2M series. The Sound Smith Zephyr MK III is a low compliance high output cartridge that would work well in your arm. Down the line is the Irox Blue. These cartridges have a compliance of 10 u/mN which is perfect for your arm. You want something between 10 and 15 u/mN. The Clearaudio MM's are 15 u/mN. Another important factor is the weight of the cartridge. Here is a graph that compares total effective mass (tonearm and cartridge) to compliance.
Just add the weight of the cartridge to the effective mass of the arm for the total effective mass and look where it falls on the graph. I try to shoot for a resonance frequency between 8 and 10 Hz. I think the bass is better
if you can get it down there.
Just add the weight of the cartridge to the effective mass of the arm for the total effective mass and look where it falls on the graph. I try to shoot for a resonance frequency between 8 and 10 Hz. I think the bass is better
if you can get it down there.