travelling speakers

Say you are going on a ski trip and staying in a condo with friends, and would like to bring a compact sound system a cut above bose wave and its like, but easy to travel with. The electronics can be a laptop driving light weight class D amp. But what speakers?
I use a pair of Visonik David 5001i. Metal cabinets, so very sturdy. Amp is a Winsome Mouse, not too hard to schlepp and runs on any voltage.

BTW iPod drives this but if I bring the laptop and Apogee Duet the system does up to 24/96. And the laptop runs PureMusic software. A veritable cut, no, a two-handed slash above Bose.
I've never heard them personally, but maybe something like the Anthony Gallo Nucleus Micro speakers. I doubt you get much bass, but they probably sound good and look tiny and easy to pack. Orb makes a similar pair. Never heard those either.

Another way to do it would be to get a small pair of powered (active) speakers, like these Advents: I had a pair of the predecessor Acoustic Research version of these about 20 years ago when I was a ski bum. They sound pretty good - not audiophile good, but they are cheap, very rugged, and plenty powerful.

A similar option would be these powered JBL's:
I like my Visonik's better than my Gallos', however Realistic Lieaum's are better.
For your situation: craigslist-buy old advents or something for $10, ship them for $10, leave them there when done.
My portable two-piece audio system: Macbook Air driving a 1958' Fender Champ Amp dressed in tweed, of course. 1/8" to 1/4" mono cable. Have the original speaker, JBL LE8T, or Lowther DX3 to swap out. Tube rolling to boot!!