Props to Black Cat Cables

I happen to own a pair of the old BC Morpheus ICs and I think they’re fine for the money, but that’s not what this thread is about. I just think it takes guts to do what Chris does in that he shows you on his website exactly what you are buying.
A wiggly piece of wire in a plastic tube with some shielding around it. Again, I’m not criticizing. Quite the opposite. Whether it sounds good or bad or whatever is not my point. Chris gives you the choice - here’s what I’m selling and you can buy it or not. I have never seen a cable manufacturer do this, except for Mike Powell who has videos of the silver ribbon in his cables. Take a look. Other cable maker show you parts of what they do, but I’ve never seen anyone do it like this. Well, Blue Jeans does, but that's just Belden.
Chris is very open about exactly what you are paying for. It helps that his cables go against the garden hose trend and are flexible, easy to work with, and most importantly sound great for their price. 
I think Chris's cables actually compete against cables that are many times their price. As such, i don't think they are just great for the price, i think they are great- period!
Hate to say it but Black Cables are NOT cheap cables in terms of price. Not sure where the value discussion is here in relation to how they sound. Would love a pair but the recommended ICs for my system $2k!!