There we go. More childish insults. YOU have 0 clue about antenna theory, antenna design, narrow band coil antenna, or anything related. Therefore you keep spouting the same ignorant nonsense about full wavelength antennas and what it takes to "push" a signal through hundreds of feet on conductive water, as opposed to a simple device with "effects" if any of a few meters. The natural Schumann resonance e-field is puny, 100's of microvolts/meter, the magnetic field, a picotesla, or about 5 orders of magnitude below the earths static fields without any human activity.
Most of these small devices make stupid claims like "scalar waves" or "scale wave fields", quackery science with no basis in reality (like many other claims certain people make).
How crazy are the claims associated with many of the products? ...
"We were
checking through hundreds of frequencies in locating the best possible signal which would have
maximum penetration into the human Biofield. Little did we know that the particular frequency we
choose was only .02 off the actual frequency that the “Arc of the Covenant” functions at.
(Described in the Bible. Also the feature in the movie Indiana Jones)"
... who cares that the frequency changes 0.3 - 0.4Hz over the day. Why let facts get in the way?
Oh, better yet ....
"Since Scalar Waves operate outside of our conventional three-dimensional world,
and thus they are not constrained by the limitations of conventional rules of physics.
Using conventional instruments, there is no way to measure the Scalar Field
output as it functions outside of conventional physical principles."
... convenient. It's like they created an excuse that it is unlikely to prove their product does not do anything.