Revel Salon vs Vandersteen 5A

Well... Tell me what you guys think!
Vandersteen has the advantage of its time/phase coherence. Whereas the salons MAY just have phase...
Has anyone listened to both?
Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
I have heard both the original Revel's powered by all Levinson and Proceed gear (helped set up), as well as the Vandersteens. For me, it would be a no brainer for the 5A. The Revels always sounded like what most people term a very "accurate" speaker, but they had no soul. The Vandersteens took you to the music event and let the emotion also come through. Two excellent choices, but entirely different sounds (the runner up for the guy buying the Revel's were large Thiels).
So, Mcreyn, the Revels (Salon2s, I assume?) are accurate, but have "no soul"? Does that mean a speaker has to be inaccurate to have soul?
No it means it has no warmth, accurate is good for some but cold and sterile to many others. You can also have accurate with warmth its all in how somebody voices a speakers I suppose.
I think the Revels sounded forward or harsh in midrange so maybe we heard same thing but worded it differently its not offensive but its there all the same.
All in all I think its looking pretty obvious the 5A is the one to get!

Don't underestimate the power of a good time/phase coherent design. Ever heard any GMA speakers?

So... Here's a question.
How many of you guys have really enjoyed a speaker that sounded amazing to you but on paper had poor measurements? Freq response, etc.