Wilson Audio for a 1600 sq ft space

I love the design of Wilson Audio speakers and am looking to purchase a system for a 37' x 45' mostly open space living room. 

I host a lot of gatherings, from dinners to parties, so I am looking for a system that will fill the room and sound good at all volumes whether you are sitting or standing throughout the space. Doesn't have to be perfect. I'm assuming that anything will be an upgrade from my crappy ceiling built ins. I'm in my 30s and will be streaming mostly deep house, hip hop and rock from the likes of Spotify. 

I've been considering the newer Alexia 2s, the Sasha DAWs (and 2s) but also the MAXX 3 and even Grand SLAMM 2s since they seem to be heavily discounted used. I'm open to suggestions. Given the size of the room, the footprint of the speakers is not really a concern. 

Would appreciate any input you may have. 

Happy holidays. Cheers!

Do the Maxx sound warmer?
Sorry  yvl that should be:

The Grand Slam will just sound easier and bigger without being louder.
A bit like a 350v8 v 427v8

Cheers George
Hey man I get it on things needing to look good and you want something that will really impress the guests too, looks and sound.  Have you checked out the Kef Blade? Similar quality to the Wilson.  I love the Wilson sound too but personally as far as a thing of beauty the Kef blade is the winner in my opinion and is also an amazing speaker that sounds good away from the sweet spot.  If I had unlimited funds and a huge space my dream setup would be the MBL Exteme now those will rock any room and impress the guests.  Oh and don't let these cranky audiophools discourage you. 
Revel Salon 2 in gloss black might get er done too and for a ton less money.  You didn't really mention the rest of the gear but that makes a hell of a diff too, like no speaker no matter how much can sound great without a good amp and do yourself a favor and look into Roon and Tidal instead of spotify.   I have get togethers on my patio and have a nice little system out there and it's pretty obvious even there that attention is gotten more when playing Tidal via roon than anyone using spotify connect or god forbid bluetooth.  
+1 on the Salon2s. Hard to beat at the price and reaaaaally hard to beat at the used prices I’ve seen lately. Ejlif is right about the amps though, these ain’t easy to drive (neither are the Wilsons)
@georgehifi The Gryphon evo at $75k the pair new are out of my price range I'm afraid. A used set would probably still be too expensive at this point. 

What about a pair of the new McIntosh MC901 or used MC1.2Kw? 

Any other alternatives?