Starting research for turntable

I'm beginning my research for a turntable, first of all there's a $4,000 ceiling second hand is okay. What I would like is a belt drive with a tonearm and maybe cartridge to begin with, I do want the ability to try different tonearm and cartridge combinations. I've looked at many manufacturers and some I'm looking at are the Dr. Feikert Volare, Sota Sapphire, Music Hall mmf 9.1, VPI Prime and Scout. If you recommend others to look for that will be appreciated. I will probably have only one table and want some versatility. My music interests are primarily Jazz, Folk, Classical, Blues and vintage rock. I'm listing my components below. 

McIntosh mc75 mono amps vintage

PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube Preamplifier new

PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube DAC new

Bluesound node 2i streamer new

Dayton sa1000 subwoofer amplifier new


Duke 24 subwoofer x 4 new

Bluejean cables through out new

Listening room size 20' long x 14' wide x 9' in height

Bass traps and absorbers throughout the room.



I highly recommend the GEM Dandy Super 12 Polytable. George Merrill offers 9" - 12" Jelco tonearm packages. The Super 12 comes with an offboard Digital Motor Drive. Give George a call - he is a great guy and happy to discuss his turntable engineering philosophies.
I'm have some wiggle as far as price is concerned, $4,000 was a figure to go from and was only for the turntable.  As far as experimenting with different setups, I'm retired and enjoy the challenge of getting the best sound quality I can.  I do all the mechanics on my motorcycle. 
Based on your comments I would buy a tonearm with a removable headshell. I would also consider something higher up the Dr. Feickert line because setting up and changing tonearms is much easier. It will put you out of your budget, but you won't need to upgrade the turntable again.
I’m have some wiggle as far as price is concerned, $4,000 was a figure to go from and was only for the turntable. As far as experimenting with different setups, I’m retired and enjoy the challenge of getting the best sound quality I can. I do all the mechanics on my motorcycle.

Then you and turntables sound like a match made in heaven. Analog is very old school in that everything is out in the open. You can see what each part is doing. Most of these tables, VPI is a classic example, they are basically a board with a bearing screwed into it, something flat and round on the bearing, a motor with a rubber band running the whole thing. With not too much trouble you can make your own board, although of course you have to remember to call it a plinth, as analog lovers have all these special words to disguise the fact they’re dragging a needle through plastic.

If you’re half as mechanically inclined as you sound then this is all the advice that you need. Look at the turntable as you would any other mechanical device. Understand its job is to remain super stable even while spinning a platter generating lots of drag and vibration. If you look at a lot of the flimsy lightweight tables out there and wonder how the hell is that gonna work? You are on the right track. Good solid heft and overbuilt construction is a plus.

Also the arm can be changed very easily and on any table. The design itself can sometimes be a challenge, but usually the only thing makes it hard is how handy you are and how important it is to look all professional and pretty. Also how willing you are to experiment. An arm can be mounted in a piece of scrap MDF, scrap acrylic, scrap aluminum or steel, and look like crap but work just fine. So then you might try laminating combinations of these. (Sound familiar? Look at VPI!) Guarantee, that’s all they do. Try stuff, find what works, build it, sell it.

Not trying to tell you what to do. Trying only to plant the seed idea that it helps to see a turntable not as a finished product but a starting point. You’re a smart guy. You will be able to see the design of some tables lends itself more to development than others. Everyone can suggest specific tables. Only you can choose among them. Hope this helps.