connecting B&W 683s1 to amp? help please?

just bought a pair usedthere are two sets of speakers terminals but no jumpers connecting them

are they supposed to have jumpers?  if not, which terminals to I connect to the speaker wires?
dumb questions I know, thanks in advance?

i only have 1 set of normal speaker cables and no other wires laying around

so will the above cable and bi wire method work? 
A single set of high quality speaker cables with jumpers will sound much better than cheap biwire (as seen in your link).
You can strip any piece of wire to make jumpers. Lamp cord or an extra extension cord will do temporarily. Then order a set of jumpers like these..

Or these...

thanks all
I'll try the maze jumpers next
bought this cheap set of bi wire cable for now from amazon prime to get going
these 683's are a step up from my pioneers which I think were better than the LS50w's
I'm gonna get a used NAD amp next  (they're plentiful around my parts) as I'm not sure the Luxman has enough juice although it sounds as if it does

also inserted a dragonfly black into the chain which helps a tad, but can't really hear a difference on Tidal MQA compared to my flac downloads