MHDT Orchid or Lampizator Amber 3?

I’m considering one of these. Please share your thoughts, especially if you’ve heard them. I will be streaming 70% and CD’s 30%

Jazz, R&B and classical in that order are my listening habits.

My room is 20x30 and very nice acoustics.

Current system:
Dali Epicon 8, Luxman 509X, PS Audio NuWave DSD, Cambridge CXC, Shunyata interconnects & Nordost speaker cable

Thank you!!!

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I would love to bring a hot rodded Orchid over for a comparison to your two box Goliath DHT dac! Your power supply alone is 5 times the weight of the diminutive Orchid.  
"...the Amber looks like the screws are only on the faceplate."

I have the old(er) Amber model and by looking at the pictures, it appears the chassis is very similar or the same as the new model. In addition to the larger hex screws on the face plate, there are 11 small screws all around the chassis that need to be removed in order to remove the cover and access the inside. The three tubes are very firmly in place and the likelihood of them dislodge during shipment seems very slim. Given the absence of any vent holes on the chassis, my concern/curiosity was the heat generated by the tubes affecting tube/electronics lifespan, especially the 6X5 rectifier almost touching the top cover so I ran mine without the cover for a while until I was convinced the heat was not an issue given the huge empty space inside the chassis. Tubes’ visual esthetics notwithstanding, I ultimately put the cover back on. As a side note, in my unit, changing the tubes to NOS 12AU7/12AT7 (with balanced triodes) gave a more balanced and extended sound. Its possible that the OEM Brimar tubes were simply tired. If the new Amber 3 is indeed significantly better than mine, then you guys are in for a treat since I think mine sounds very good in my (all tube) system.
Kalali said,

" Looks like some real lucky person snapped up grannyring’s Orchid. The quality of the upgrade, both parts and workmanship absolutely top notch. Lucky guy indeed."
I'm the guy.  And the original poster of this thread.  I received grannyring's modified Orchid yesterday.  Here are my thoughts.
Firstly, my system is described in the first post on this thread.  Grannyrings extensive modifications are detailed further down so I won't repeat them on this post.
First a little background about me; I'm a serious lover of music.  Some of my earliest childhood memories are of begging my parents for records.  Or a dollar to buy a record.  Listening to the radio everyday and into the night.  It was a natural thing and I didn't have to develop a love for music.  I just had it. 

I started playing percussion in the 5th grade, and have continued throughout my adult life.  I've played hundreds of gigs, taught and have listened to live gigs as often as possible since I was about 16 or so. 

Jazz is clearly my first love, followed by R&B, World Music, (especially Latin and West African) classical , (mostly modern) and the random opera. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I know what a trombone sounds like. Or a trumpet, or a string bass.  Not amplified.  Or a piano.  Good pianos sound sweet, round and beautiful; the cheaper ones not so much.
So I get the Orchid yesterday.  (Shout out to grannyring for superb packaging, communication and from our phone conversation I felt he was an all around good guy.  Maybe one day I'll meet him.
The Orchid arrived about 1 pm yesterday and having listened to music most of the morning plugged it in.  I let it warm up and get used to its new home until today when I gave it a serious listen.

Here are my impressions;
1.  At 67 years of age I was seriously wondering if I could even distinguish a difference between the PS Audio NuWave and the Orchid.  I live in a small town, hundreds of miles away from any hi fi stores.  I only know of two other people that even have a 2 channel rig.
The answer is yes.  The difference was instant and apparent.
2. Did I like the new sound?
Again the answer is yes.  And it took me awhile to figure out why I liked it. 

I don't have your typical reviewer's command of language to describe the nuances heard.  What I will describe is how I "feel" about the what I hear.
Think about what it's like to listen to music on a cold winter day.  It's like zero degrees outside.  The heat is cranked up and you're sitting on the couch listening to music.  You're warm but there is still a chill in the air.
Now, think about the first time you ever experienced wood stove heat.  It heats everything; the floor, the table, the furniture and the drapes. 

The Orchid sound like a wood fired stove.  Everything is warm, cozy and wraps around you in a way that makes you want to want more.
Most of the music I listen to is made by real, not electronic instruments.  In a way, they are organic sounding and I got much more of that with the Orchid than I did with the NuWave. 

The soundstage is better.  Not a little bit better, but a lot better.  And for some reason the relation between my left and right speaker is more harmonious than it's ever been. 

To summarize all the above; music is now even more enjoyable.  And to be honest I didn't think it was possible.
- Bob