Tube MC phono stage recommendation

I've been enjoying my Bottlehead Eros phono for some time now and after a good bit of tube rolling I think sounds pretty great. However, it's gain is a bit limited for running MC cartridges and when I've tried in the past it forces me to crank up the system and with that comes lots of noise. I'm sure a SS MC phono would be the quietest option but I love the quality of sound and the tweakability offered by tubes. 

Let me know if you have a tube phono (new or used) that you would recommend. I would be interested in anything under $1,500 (ideally a lot under ;).

Oh, one more item if it helps to inform your recommendations... while the phono is typically used for playback over speakers I'm planning to do more headphone listening in the future. 
You can find used Manley Chinook phone stages for around your budget.  Excellent phono stage.
Which cartridge you runing? A 0.5mV - 0.8mV MC is a different world from a 0.3mV and below. In that price range for a phono stage you’ll need some help from the cartridge for best results, i.e. at least 0.5mV.

For 0.5mV - 1.0mV range cartridges I think the Sonic Frontiers Phono 1 (in all its versions - stock, SE, and SE+) is fantastic (note: not their older model phono stage)! Especially if you pop in some awesome vintage Euro 6922/E88CC/7308 tubes. Note it came in 2 gain flavors: 54dB and 60dB, and I think you’d want the latter (it can be modded either way). Should be doable under 1500 used, but they’ve gotten rarer these days. I've had amazing results with the Phono 1 and Ortofon Cadenza Bronze (0.45mV) and Shelter Accord (0.5 mV) - really wicked enjoyable analog sound - and I have a VAC phono stage and Koetsu Blue Lace in the main system to compare to. However if you run a 0.3mV or lower, the dynamics and bass will suffer. For lower output stuff you’re gonna be looking at a tube MM stage plus a good SUT in a 10x - 30x ratio. And that combination will run more than 1500 used.

Edit: Manley Chinook looks like a really good modern option for most MC carts if you can get one into your price range. Like the Sonic Frontiers, it uses a quad of 6922 plus a pair of JFETs.
That's fair. Most of the carts I would likely start with would be in the 0.5mV - 1.0mV range. 

Sonic Frontiers was not on my radar, will take a look for sure. Thanks!