Two Nice Small Tweaks to Klipsch Forte III Loudspeakers

I made two small tweaks to my Forte IIIs. 

First, I bought Auralex Subdude Isolation Platforms to sit underneath them.  This raises them up ~2 inches and isolates them from a suspended wood floor below. 

Second, I applied Dynamat to the midrange horn body.  Knocking on the horn (once reinstalled) results in less ringing and noise now.  

The improvements are more on the subtle end of the spectrum but surely noticeable.  I thought I'd pass this along because for <$200 these tweaks are non-permanent and seem to provide as much if not more benefit than playing with cables. 
The first thing I said to myself, auditioning Forte IIIs, is I would raise them up about eight inches. Railroad ties? granite slab? Sealed box filled with sand?
There's a guy on audiocircle who just completed mods to the Forte III's for anyone interested hopefully this link works but if it doesn't just go to audiocircle....

I was seriously considering Forte III's having owned KG4's & Chorus I's years ago but went a different direction.   Happy Listening!
Sub Dudes are awesome.   I use one under my sub..... huge improvement on a hard wood floor