PWB Electronics

I rather thought our most prolific and obtuse poster on this forum pretty much had cornered the market on this sort of snake oil, but then PWB Electronics emerged into my world today.  I am apt to think the whole website is a hoax, but then our man seems to make bank on selling the same sort of hookum, with virtually 100% happy customers.  I will let you decide the efficacy of their product line.  Checking out their price list is the easiest way to get to the bottom line.
Ok, G, placed an order for the PWB foil and cream. Whitestix thanks for your second post, inspired me to give PWB a try. No foiling, really.
Yeah, I did too.  GK got to me on this particular tweak.   My impressions of these tweaks, and hopefully yours, will be shared on this thread.  
The Belts have been doing their thing for awhile.

I didn’t hear anything different with the magic foil, years ago. The other free tweaks didn’t improve anything either.

Perhaps my hearing isn’t sensitive enough? I squinted my eyes, closed them, leaned forward- nothing.

I dont think they would continue supporting their website if no one was hearing these improvements? If anyone does hear these improvements, I’m envious, since I can’t hear them.

These guys give free samples also.

I did more squinting, but still no difference in sonics?
Did someone get sucked into the Vortex of Evil regarding the free tweaks from PWB? 😩