Schiit Aegir

I know there are fans here for Schiit Audio. Have any here purchased the Aegir amp and sent it back?  Reasons for this?  The speakers and electronics you were using when you sent it back?  Thank you in advance for your information. 
I can’t directly answer your question but I can say that after ordering a Freya S and two Aegirs two weeks ago mostly for grins (they would be used in my work-out room and not my main listening room), I just cancelled my order. The reason; two weeks have gone by since my order and I have heard nothing from the company except non-specific "we are working on it"
. Xmas/NewYear/Holidays, time, it’s sad it happens, they need to give better info though, especially now, as they’re probably working with a skeleton staff.

Cheers George
Of the 4 pieces of Schiit I've ordered I have only had a delay once when I ordered my preamp.It's a great product and they're a small company so things happen. btw the Aegir is a fantastic amp for the money with higher efficient speakers and even better in mono block mode.
Thanks for the replies. I’m considering two as mono amps but my Modwright preamp is single ended only. 
I think the Aegir amp sounds great, but not greater than a single ended tube amp I I sent it back. I yammer about this at length in the "Schiit not that good?" thread, and note that I'm a Schiit fan except when the Schiit hits the fan, so to speak.
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