" I also use Bluesound OS, which looks terrible unless you compare with my latest streamer, Bryston BDP3, which has a barely useable app. "
Hi there, I recently purchased a Bryston BDA-3.14 Streamer (a BDA-3 plus "Pi" Streamer in one box). I have it hooked up and streaming fine, yes the GUI is on the ugly side, but it works for my limited searches. I haven't created any playlists and I'm quite sure you know way more about the app "Manic Moose". I want to add a NAS (2tb) or two or three.
My understanding is (not tested) the Bryston sees the entire NAS on the same network and will also search that as well as Qobuz which I'm using.
There is a Youtube vid, Gary from Bryston, a three part series where he goes into more detail than I wanted at the time. You may find that helps.
Part 1 of 3:
I'm guessing that you are beyond this vid, but it may help it some regard.
To the OP, I apologize for the slight hijacking of your thread.
Regards, Barts