Thank you all. I genuinely appreciate your suggestions. It's something, isn't it, when $4,000 may not be enough for (what I still call) bookshelf speakers--but I get it. One of the things about Maggies, as you all know, is that they're relatively inexpensive speakers.
I have another question, if anyone is following this thread. Many of these high-end speakers sell through a very limited dealer network. The Alta Audio website lists ten dealers in the country. Some of the websites (Joseph Audio, Silverline) don't even list dealers. And obviously there are even fewer dealers who would carry a range of such elite speakers. I'm at least five hours from any dealer who would carry even one of them. (My go-to dealer for all things musical recently closed.)
So how do people audition speakers? I know that many companies will ship speakers and take returns, but that seems like a project if you want to hear a few different speakers. I'm considering spending $5,000-$10,000 (my budget is going UP!!!) on a pair of speakers, I'd sure like to listen to a few options. How do people do it who live in the hinterlands? Do you travel to LA or NYC for a few days of listening? Do you go through the process of buying/returning three or four pairs to find The One?
The world that I know, the world of Magnepan, Mark Levinson, Dynaudio, Revel--these all seem positively bougie out here!