bookshelf speakers to replace my Maggies

I've loved Magenpan speakers from the first moment I heard a pair in 1983. I've owned and listened to various Maggies for twenty-five years but a few months ago my "vintage" speakers (1.5) gave out. For all the obvious space/marital reasons, I can't replace them, at least for now. I picked up a pair of PSB Imagine B speakers and I like them; they keep me going. But I sorely miss that Magnepan sound--the presence, the realism, the emotional beauty, the "air." I've never heard another speaker that can reproduce acoustic instruments like Maggies. 

I want to start scheming and thinking. I would greatly appreciate any advice on a pair of bookshelf speakers that might fill the void. I know this may sound illogical, but perhaps a pair that creates something somewhat similar to the Magnepan sound. (I understand that the designs are radically different, create different senses of space, etc.) Let's say under $4000. To be clear, I'm not looking for "the best bookshelf speaker" but, for those who know Maggies, the speaker that can have its own identity and yet ... how else to put this? ... make me happy the way my Maggies did.

Thank you very much!

I doubt you'll achieve everything you're looking for in that budget.

Look at Silverline SR17 Supreme or Alta Audio Celesta FRM-2.

Thank you all. I genuinely appreciate your suggestions. It's something, isn't it, when $4,000 may not be enough for (what I still call) bookshelf speakers--but I get it. One of the things about Maggies, as you all know, is that they're relatively inexpensive speakers. 

I have another question, if anyone is following this thread. Many of these high-end speakers sell through a very limited dealer network. The Alta Audio website lists ten dealers in the country. Some of the websites (Joseph Audio, Silverline) don't even list dealers. And obviously there are even fewer dealers who would carry a range of such elite speakers. I'm at least five hours from any dealer who would carry even one of them. (My go-to dealer for all things musical recently closed.) 

So how do people audition speakers? I know that many companies will ship speakers and take returns, but that seems like a project if you want to hear a few different speakers. I'm considering spending $5,000-$10,000 (my budget is going UP!!!) on a pair of speakers, I'd sure like to listen to a few options. How do people do it who live in the hinterlands? Do you travel to LA or NYC for a few days of listening? Do you go through the process of buying/returning three or four pairs to find The One? 

The world that I know, the world of Magnepan, Mark Levinson, Dynaudio, Revel--these all seem positively bougie out here!

You may want to consider the Legacy Calibre it is a bit more expensive but it does not sound like a mini monitor it has real bass and throws a gigantic sound stage. The Calibre use a large custom Heil AMT tweeter so in the top end it is delicate and resolute like the Maggies.

As per your dilemma you do need to visit a major city or go to shows.

if you can visit our shop located 15 mins from Newark airport we have:
Quad, Kef, ATC, Paradigm, Alta Audio, Legacy, Elac monitors on display. 

You should also check out the ATC SCM 19 which are huge sounding monitors also very detailed and clean extremely dynamic.

Good luck 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Tekton DI monitor? Would have that big wall of sound like the Maggies, detailed, good bass and good tonality. 
If you can listen to the Vandersteen VLR's, do so.
They are made to be used near the corners of a room, but even on stands they sound great. If you are serious, get the CT version, but for relaxed listening the non-CT's are amazing. 
I use them in my office.

Match them with a Belles integrated and you will have one sweet system.
Add a pair of Aq William Tell speaker cables and you will be in heaven.