Upgrade SACD/CD player from DCS Puccini to better DCS, Esoteric or EMM Labs?

I love the Puccini, but realize technology has moved on. I have thousands of SACDs and Redbook CDs, and many downloaded high resolution audio files.

I listened to a Vivaldi player-Rossini DAC combination at my friendly local dealer and it did not sound significantly better on Redbook CDs than the Puccini I currently own. However, there are many filters to play with on any DCS device to adjust sound...so I may not have given it a reasonable hearing.

I do not want to spend the money to buy the Vivaldi stack or Vivaldi One, although I could if need be. So, I am looking at slightly less expensive solutions like the Esoteric (P1, K01X, etc) and the newest EMM transport/DAC combinations. 

Any suggestions? I like analytical sound. My system currently includes McIntosh C22 tube preamp (newest version), ARC GS150 amplifier, and Wilson Audio Sasha 2 loudspeakers. The listening room is great, I have a great line conditioner and great cables.

Thank-you in advance for any advice - I do not have the ability to listen to all the high end (and now becoming archaic) SACD/CD/DAC combinations available for sale.
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Vitus Audio makes really good digital front end components they are very musical very analog sounding. I don’t know if you have access to Vitus Audio. They are Danish. I would put Vitus a serious consideration and they are comparable with DCS, Esoteric and MSB. CH Precision, T&A, Tidal, MBL, Soulution also make outstanding digital front end components. All these along with DCS, Esoteric & MSB make phenomenal gears If you can afford them. The Marantz SA-10 is good but not on the same level as these guys. I’ve heard the Marantz SA-10 and it is very good very fluid musical.
I have only heard the high-end T+A ("T plus A") player/DAC and it was great. I have not heard Vitus, CH Precision, MSB, Solution or Metronome, but they do have expensive product offerings and they seem to be of high quality. In my travels in Europe, folks seem to still value SACDs and CDs, as well as high-resolution downloads and streaming.
If the answer is tone controls or equaliser, may i suggest that you are asking the wrong question?

I second caphill's opinion re the Mac preamp.
It really has no place in a system of this calibre.

Philosophically your system seems stuck in the 70's. If you can't change your room, change your speakers, add subwoofers....anything but tone controls. A switch to an ARC Reference preamp will increase bass extension,  control, tonality, PRaT, everything really.
 Quite often in audio there is no clearly better option, just differing interpretations, but this is not one of those instances; if you take caphill's advice you stand on the threshold of a giant step forwads
If you were only doing redbook I would say just purchase a CEC transport, but since you have a nice collection of SACD's  Esoteric Grandioso with a matching master clock.
When it comes to CD's Esoteric & CEC are the best in class.