Magico - a new Mini?

I was looking at their website to read the reviews and noticed that they don't list the Mini 2 in the Product section. They do list a new Q3 model.
Does anyone know if their is a new Mini replacement coming out?
I just received from Audio Arts in new York a set of Stenheim Alumine monitors and what can I tell you all, this is one magnificent set of speakers. They totally dissapear in your room and you are basically left alone with your recording. I listen mostly to jazz, classic rock, and classical music. I am completely rediscovering some of my collection. I am totally blown away by these Swiss speakers. They totally destroy every Magico and YGA, and I am not even trying to compare them to Wilson Sasha's which I also had a chance to demo. I think YGA, Magico and Wilsons are for audiophiles who buy audio based on corrupt reviews rather than actually listening. By the way, I want to mention that they are 90 db and 8 ohm which makes them also a great tube partner. I measured the DC impedance, and it was 6.3 ohm on both speakers. I take my hat off to Stenheim engineers who created this simple and elegant precision sound reproduction system.

P.S. I did some research on the Internet and it seems that Stenheim are all former Goldmund engineers from Switzerland.
I've never heard the Stenheim monitor. It could be a wonderful sounding speaker. This thread is about the Magico Q1 and it's aesthetics. The Stenheim actually looks like a similar aluminum box, though I have not seen an image of its stand. The design philosophies however seem very different - sealed vs ported, difficult load vs easier load, bass extension, perhaps internal bracing/damping? How much do the Stenheim's cost and have you actually heard the Q1 (or Mini II) to make your assertion that they "totally destroy every Magico and YGA"?

The Magico owners I have met did audition their speakers and probably read the reviews, too. I heard the Mini in three systems before I bought mine and yes the reviews are excellent. Congratulations on your new speakers. Nice plug.
MAGICO MINI 2 still wonderful musical speakers Mover thats only your opinion which holds no weight with me.
Guys, I'm very sorry if I offended any Magico owners. I forgot how passionate audiophiles can be! I put in my 2 cents here because the new Magico Q1 shares the same all aluminum concept like Stenheim from Switzerland, so it's an interesting comparison. I've not heard the Q1 - only all the other Magico's, especially the Mini I and II which I thought were very detailed with awesome speed, but I did not pull the trigger because they just did not sound like music (to me). As an audio engineer, I think I have a pretty good idea of what music sounds like. I've always like the Goldmund all metal speakers as well as a few others but Goldmund is so expensive. When I found out that Goldmund's ex employees had created a new company with a reasonably priced all aluminum speaker (around 12k for monitors and 3k for aluminum/steel stands), I had to hear them. All I'm saying is that when it comes to the all aluminum approach, I think Stenheim is on to something. I always respect the subjectivity of this hobby so who's to say if you guys would like it. Who knows - maybe the Q1 is amazing - but judging from those screws in the back of it, I'm inclined to think that the structure may be compromised (just my opinion-please don't send a hit-man after me). I think it's good that designers pursuing the aluminum approach - if designed properly, it's unbeatable!
IMHO - The weight of the evidence is on the side of Magico. We'll find out more about the Q1 in the coming months. Stenheim has to prove themselves. From what I know Goldmund speakers never caught on in the US in any big way. If Stenheim can create a great speaker at an attractive price they will grow market share.