Has anyone seen this...?


I'm just surprised by the set-up...
He did a recent one on a guy with a super cool system Tannoy 15" Glenaire's and Berning tube amps but never played the damn system! I don't want to hear the owner talk about the system standing next to it. Sorry to hijack your thread just needed that off my chest.
So here is a further example of the equipment reviewers deal with. I found this rather interesting when I saw it.

I find interesting. Here we have an "audiophile" who is a slob, has no idea how to set up a room and his system and takes real shitty care of his records. Garbage on the highest order.
This same guy "interviewed" the Onkk Cue turntable designer in a hallway and spent the first 5 minutes making fun of his hair and Onkk Cue. His product "reviews" are one uninformed irrelevant comment after another, interspersed with what sounds like bad ad copy. If he's ever seriously commented on how something sounds I missed it, which he makes easy enough by taking forever to get to the point.

His "system" strangely enough I can totally relate to. I have one looks just like it. In my kitchen. Third drawer down, below the silverware.