The uber can be the smartest guy on the planet, but we’re talking about NOS STYLUS, not about a set of Victor X-1IIe/D (cartridge, stylus, headshell) in mint condition. I do not promote my listings here as many other people do, and ebay prices are at least 15% higher than it can be on other sources online.
I think realistic price for a NOS stylus with titanium pipe cantilever is about $400 for this model (just for the stylus) and this is about the same price that ANY re-tippers charge for their frankensteins. Comparing an original stylus with exotic cantilevers to some fake styli with aluminum cantilever for $260 i would always buy an original if i could find one. I did find a few, so i hope it is not impossible for X-1IIE model, but much more difficult for X-1II.
I have all these cartridges, styli, tonearms etc in my collection.
All of them in multiple samples, it was important for me to check and to compare all of them in my system.